When i use VMWARE vConvertor convert Fedora 8 to virtual machine. It's nice a move physical machine
but the old OS support for vConvert i recommend to check on link http://www.vmware.com/support/converter/doc/conv_sa_50_rel_notes.html . My fedora Kernel is 2.6.x
is not support for vConvertor 5.1 you need down grade to 5.0 done.
But when i start fedora network card not work. I don't know what happen HaHa... Search
Thank liberidu.com on article
This topic how to fix for RedHat
How i do
#cd /etc/sysconfig/network-script
if you see ifcfg-eth0 and then change HWADDR=New mac address.
you can find new macaddress on vSphere client. and edit guest os
#cd /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices
#vi ifcfg-eth0
change HWADDR=new mac If you cannot ifup eth0 maybe you need change ip address
#ifup eth0
#service network start
you can read more
but the old OS support for vConvert i recommend to check on link http://www.vmware.com/support/converter/doc/conv_sa_50_rel_notes.html . My fedora Kernel is 2.6.x
is not support for vConvertor 5.1 you need down grade to 5.0 done.
But when i start fedora network card not work. I don't know what happen HaHa... Search
Thank liberidu.com on article
This topic how to fix for RedHat
How i do
#cd /etc/sysconfig/network-script
if you see ifcfg-eth0 and then change HWADDR=New mac address.
you can find new macaddress on vSphere client. and edit guest os
#cd /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices
#vi ifcfg-eth0
change HWADDR=new mac If you cannot ifup eth0 maybe you need change ip address
#ifup eth0
#service network start
you can read more
Great to find solution of such a complex problem in just two steps.
Silvester Norman
Change Mac Address